


12月31日 享年57歳(転移性骨腫瘍)





12月30日 享年45歳(骨髄性白血病、肺炎)





12月29日 享年74歳(萎縮腎)


Am nevoie de tine

Am nevoie de tine - Direcţia 5

În liniştea mea
Mă întreb de-aş putea
Să te simt aproape din nou
Îmi revin amintiri, gânduri ce vor veni
Să-mi aducă-n sufletul gol
Îmi lipseşte curajul de-aţi spune ce simt
Nimic nu s-a schimbat
Sentimente pierdute le-am reîntâlnit
De acum eu le-am aflat

Am nevoie de tine

Azi încerc să m-ascund
Încerc să nu uit
Mă gândesc la tine mereu
Totu-mi pare tăcut
Totu-mi pare pierdut
Devine tot mai greu

Am nevoie de tine
Când mă trezesc
Am nevoie de tine
Să pot să visez

Am nevoie de tine
Să mă asculţi
Am nevoie de tine
Să nu mă uiţi

Am nevoie de tine
Când mă trezesc
Am nevoie de tine
Să pot să visez

Am nevoie de tine
Să mă asculţi
Am nevoie de tine
Să nu mă uiţi.

Am nevoie de tine - I need you
by Google translation

In my silence
I wonder if I could
To feel close again
I back memories, thoughts to come
N get me naked soul
I lack the courage to say what you feel
Nothing has changed
I lost feelings reunited
For now I've found them

I need you

Today I try to hide
I try not to forget
Always thinking of you
However it's silent
However it's lost
It is becoming more difficult

I need you
When I wake up
I need you
You can dream

I need you
To listen
I need you
Do not forget me

I need you
When I wake up
I need you
You can dream

I need you
To listen
I need you
Do not forget me.

by Google translation



12月28日 享年43歳(食道癌)





12月27日 享年90歳(老衰)


Cât de departe

Cât de departe

Cât de departe să-mi duc inima, ca sa nu se atingă de tine..
Cât de departe sa-mi duc dragostea, ca sa nu se întoarcă la mine..
Cât de departe să colind pe pământ, fără linişte sau fără bine?
Oricât de departe aş pleca tot n-ar fi prea departe.. departe de tine!

Cât de departe? (cât de departe..)
Cât de departe? (cât de departe..)
Oricât de departe sa-mi duc dragostea. Departe de tine...?

Cât de departe (cât de departe..)
Cât de departe (cât de departe..)
Oricât de departe as fugii pe pământ, m-aş întoarce la tine...

Şi cât de departe gândul să mi-l ascund ca să nu-mi amintească de tine?
Şi cât de adânc sa-mi îngrop inima ca sa nu se mai zbată în mine?
Marea întreaga n-ar putea scufunda, toată dragostea asta, ştii bine..
Oricât de departe aş fugi tot n-ar fi prea departe... departe de tine

Cât de departe? (cât de departe..)
Cât de departe? (cât de departe..)
Cât de departe sa-mi duc dragostea... departe de tine..?
Cât de departe? (cât de departe...)
Cât de departe? (cât de departe...)
Oricât de departe as fugi pe pământ.... m-aş întoarce la tine!

Cât de departe - How far
by Google translation

How far to take my heart, not touch you ..
How far to take my love, not return to me ..
How far to wander the earth without peace and no good?
No matter how far I go it would not be too far away from you ..!

How far? (how far..)
How far? (how far..)
No matter how far you take my love. Away from you...?

How far (how far ..)
How far (how far ..)
As far as escape on earth, I'd come back to you ...

And how far thought to hide it to me I do not remember you?
And how deep to bury my heart was no longer in my struggle?
Great whole could not sink all the love this, you know ..
No matter how far I run it would not be too far away from you ...

How far? (how far..)
How far? (how far..)
How far to take my love away from you ... ..?
How far? (how far...)
How far? (how far...)
No matter how far I run to earth .... I would come back to you!


Îţi Mulţumesc

Îţi mulţumesc - Direcţia 5

Fiindcă eşti cu mine, îţi mulţumesc!
La rău şi la bine îţi mulţumesc!
Pentru gestul în sine că m-ai ales,
Dintre toţi, pe mine, îţi mulţumesc!
Pentru bunătate îţi mulţumesc,
Şi sinceritate îţi mulţumesc,
Pentru felul în care îmi spui “te iubesc!”
Plin de simplitate,
Pentru aceste toate daruri minunate

Pentru frumuseţe îţi mulţumesc,
Pentru tinereţe îţi mulţumesc,
Mie oferite pur şi firesc
După atâta vreme
Eu le simt eterne
Asta vrând să-nsemne
Că-ţi mulţumesc!

Pentru felul în care îmi spui “te iubesc!”
Plin de simplitate
Pentru aceste toate daruri minunate

Fiindcă eşti cu mine, îţi mulţumesc
La rău şi la bine, îţi mulţumesc
Pentru gestul în sine că m-ai ales
Dintre toţi pe mine
Pentru felul în care îmi spui “te iubesc!”
Plin de simplitate
Pentru aceste toate darurì minunate

Îţi Mulţumesc - Thank you
by Google translation

Because you're with me, thank you!
The bad and good thank you!
For the gesture itself that you chose,
Of all me, thank you!
To thank goodness,
And thank you sincerely,
For the way I say "I love you!"
Full of simplicity,
For all these wonderful gifts

Thank you for the beauty,
Youth Thank you,
Wed offered pure and natural
After long
I feel them eternal
That wanting to mean
That thank you!

For the way I say "I love you!"
Full of simplicity
For all these wonderful gifts

Because you're with me, thank you
The bad and good, thank you
For the gesture itself that you chose
Of all me
For the way I say "I love you!"
Full of simplicity
For all these wonderful gifts



12月26日 享年88歳(肺炎)







1993年12月25日没 享年48歳(スキルス胃癌)





12月24日 享年77歳(多臓器不全)



Te rog

Te rog

Aş vrea să te rog
Aş vrea să te rog

Spune-mi dacă mă iubeşti
Mă iubeşti, mă iubeşti
Sau vrei doar să mă răneşti
Mă răneşti, mă răneşti?

Fie-ţi milă de inima mea
Te rog!
Să te gândeşti puţin la ea
Te rog! (x7)

În inima ta se întâmplă ceva
Spune-mi că nu e aşa!
În inima mea eşti doar tu
Oare sunt eu în a ta?

Hai, spune ceva, spune
Hai, spune dacă simţi la fel
Aş vrea să-mi spui
"Baby, no, I'm never gonna let you go"

Hai, vino lângă mine
Vino lângă mine acum!
Strânge-mă în braţe, spune-mi
Ai încredere în noi?

Spune-mi dacă mă iubeşti
Mă iubeşti, mă iubeşti
Sau vrei doar să mă răneşti
Mă răneşti, mă răneşti?

Fie-ţi milă de inima mea
Te rog!
Să te gândeşti puţin la ea
Te rog! (x7)

Aş vrea să te rog
Să faci cumva, să vorbeşti cu ai tăi
Să ne lase în pace, să fim doar noi
Şi dacă noi greşim, noi ne certăm, noi ne împăcăm
Şi dacă apar probleme, probleme, tot noi le rezolvăm
Împreună, de mână, cum ştim doar noi

Hai, vino lângă mine
Vino lângă mine acum!
Strânge-mă în braţe, spune-mi
Ai încredere în noi?

Spune-mi dacă mă iubeşti
Mă iubeşti, mă iubeşti
Sau vrei doar să mă răneşti
Mă răneşti, mă răneşti?

Fie-ţi milă de inima mea
Te rog!
Să te gândeşti puţin la ea
Te rog! (x6)

Aş vrea să te rog
Să te gândeşti puţin la tot ce-a fost între noi
Să-ţi aminteşti ce-a fost frumos

Spune-mi dacă mă iubeşti
Mă iubeşti, mă iubeşti
Sau vrei doar să mă răneşti
Mă răneşti, mă răneşti?

Fie-ţi milă de inima mea
Te rog!
Să te gândeşti puţin la ea
Te rog! (x7)

I would like to ask you
I would like to ask you

Tell me if you love me
Love me, love me
Or you just want to hurt me
Hurt me, you hurt me?

Have pity my heart
Thinking at it
Please! (x7)

Something happens in your heart
Tell me it is not so!
In my heart just you
Am I in yours?

Come on, say something, say
Hai says if you feel the same
I'd like to tell me
"Baby, no, I'm never gonna let you go"

Come, come near me
Come to me now!
Collect me in your arms, tell me
Trust us?

(Come on!)
Tell me if you love me
Love me, love me
Or you just want to hurt me
Hurt me, you hurt me?

Have pity my heart
Thinking at it
Please! (x7)

I would like to ask you
Making somehow, talk to yours
Leave us alone, we can be alone
And if we are wrong, we fight, we make up
And if there are problems, problems we solve all
Together, hand, as only we know

Come, come near me
Come to me now!
Collect me in your arms, tell me
Trust us?

(Come on!)
Tell me if you love me
Love me, love me
Or you just want to hurt me
Hurt me, you hurt me?

Have pity my heart
Thinking at it
Please! (x6)

I would like to ask you
Thinking least whatever it was between us
Do you remember what was beautiful

(Come on!)
Tell me if you love me
Love me, love me
Or you just want to hurt me
Hurt me, you hurt me?

Have pity my heart
Thinking at it
Please! (x7)

by Google translation



12月23日 享年63歳(脳卒中・肺炎)



Prima oară

Prima oară

Prima oară, e prima oară
Când mă simt atât de fain lângă cineva,
Lângă cineva, lângă cineva... yaya [x2]

Mă gândesc la tine, la mine, la noi doi
Și fără să vreau zâmbesc...
Mă gândesc la tine,
La prima oară când mi-ai spus primul „Te iubesc”.

Raze de soare, aer de mare, buzele tale... e...
Iubirea noastră, marea albastră, iubire de catifea...

Prima oară, e prima oară
Când mă simt atât de fain lângă cineva,
Lângă cineva, lângă cineva... yaya [x2]

Mă gândesc la tine, la mine, la noi doi
Și fără să vreau zâmbesc.
Mă gândesc la tine,
La prima oară când mi-ai spus primul „Te iubesc”.

Raze de soare, aer de mare, buzele tale... e...
Iubirea noastră, iubire de catifea... ai grijă de ea.

Prima oară, e prima oară
Când mă simt atât de fain lângă cineva,
Lângă cineva, lângă cineva... yaya

Prima oară, e prima oară
Când iubesc atât de mult pe cineva...
Pe cineva, pe cineva...

The first time, it's the first time
When I feel so nice next to someone,
Next one, next one ... yaya [x2]

I think about you, me, about us
And without my smile ...
Thinking of you,
The first time you told me first "I love you".

Rays of sun, sea air, your lips ... e ...
Our love, great blue velvet love ...

The first time, it's the first time
When I feel so nice next to someone,
Next one, next one ... yaya [x2]

I think about you, me, about us
And without my smile.
Thinking of you,
The first time you told me first "I love you".

Rays of sun, sea air, your lips ... e ...
Our love, love velvet ... take care of her.

The first time, it's the first time
When I feel so nice next to someone,
Next one, next one ... yaya

The first time, it's the first time
When someone love you so much ...
Someone, someone ...

by Google translation



12月22日 享年54歳(肺癌)




Esta noche yo quiero bailar
Bailar contigo, si
Esta noche yo quiero jugar con tu cuerpo
Ven junto a mi

Esta noche yo quiero bailar
Por la última vez, amor
Por la última vez
Amor, amor, amor


Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
You look so sexy

Amor, amor, amor
No sé que hacer
No puedo vivir sin ti
Amor, amor, amor
Mañana me voy
Muy lejos, tan lejos de ti

You got me feelin´ like this
I know what it is
I know that you feel the same
Amor, amor, amor
No sé que hacer
No puedo vivir sin ti

Esta noche yo quiero bailar
Bailar contigo, si
Esta noche yo quiero jugar con tu cuerpo
Ven junto a mi

Esta noche yo quiero bailar
Por la última vez, amor
Por la última vez
Amor, amor, amor


Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
You look so sexy

Amor, amor, amor
No sé que hacer
No puedo vivir sin ti
Amor, amor, amor
Mañana me voy
Muy lejos, tan lejos de ti

You got me feelin´ like this
I know what it is
I know that you feel the same
Amor, amor, amor
No sé que hacer
No puedo vivir sin ti


Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
You look so sexy

Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila, baila mi guapo
Baila, baila, baila



Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
You look so sexy

Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
Move your body, baby
Baila, baila mi guapo, baila
You look so sexy

Amor, amor, amor

Amor, amor, amor

Tonight I wanna dance
Dance with you, if
Tonight I want to play with your body
Come with me

Tonight I wanna dance
For the last time, love
For the last time
Love, love, love


Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance my handsome, dance
You look so sexy

Love, love, love
I do not know what to do
I can not live without you
Love, love, love
I'm going tomorrow
Far, far away from you

You got me feelin like this
I know what it is
That I know you feel the same
Love, love, love
I do not know what to do
I can not live without you

Tonight I wanna dance
Dance with you, if
Tonight I want to play with your body
Come with me

Tonight I wanna dance
For the last time, love
For the last time
Love, love, love


Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance my handsome, dance
You look so sexy

Love, love, love
I do not know what to do
I can not live without you
Love, love, love
I'm going tomorrow
Far, far away from you

You got me feelin like this
I know what it is
That I know you feel the same
Love, love, love
I do not know what to do
I can not live without you


Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance my handsome, dance
You look so sexy

Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance, dance my handsome
Dance, dance, dance



Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance my handsome, dance
You look so sexy

Dance, dance my handsome, dance
Move your body, baby
Dance, dance my handsome, dance
You look so sexy

Love, love, love

Love, love, love

by Google translation



12月21日 享年71歳(誤嚥による窒息)



Dora Dora

Dora Dora

Quero soñar con tigo mi amor
O Dora quero sentir tus besos da savor

Dora Dora
I wanna live with you
In Bora Bora
Baby this is true
Dora Dora
Dance with me under the sun
We've got one left to make love
We've got one left to have fun

You let me be a gentleman
You make me feel so real baby
Touching my heart every day
Feeling my soul
And I will never let you go
I love you so
You are my lady
I will never let you go
I love you so
You are my soul

Dora Dora
I wanna live with you
In Bora Bora
Baby this is true
Dora Dora
Dance with me under the sun
We've got one left to make love
We've got one left to have fun

Relax, sit under the moon
Our love is like a big boom
Baby let's make love right now

Cause I wanna lay you down
Lay down on the floor
So what can give us some more
I wanna taste the sin
And I will never let you go
I love you so
You are my lady
I will never let you go
I love you so
You are my soul

Dora quero soñar con tigo mi amor<君と寝たい、愛しい人よ>
O Dora quero sentir tus besos da savor<ああ、ドーラ、君の唇を味わいたい>
Dora quero soñar con tigo mi amor
O Dora quero sentir tus besos da savor

Dora Dora
I wanna live with you
In Bora Bora
Baby this is true
Dora Dora
Dance with me

Dance with me under the sun
We've got one left to make love
We've got one left to have fun

(参)Dora - Urban Dictionary
(参)Bora - Urban Dictionary



12月20日 享年64歳(飛び降り自殺?)


Beso de adios

Beso de adios

Y si mañana tu te vas,
Dime que no me olvidarás,
Dame un beso de adiós,
Que me recuerde de los dos.

Yo soy lo único que tu necesitas,
Soy tu droga...

Así te quiero mucho más cerca de mi,
Junto a mi alma,
Amor no me dejes sólo por favor,
Mi corazón te llama.

Ay ay ay
Mi vida, no te siento más,
Donde estás, mi amor?
Ay ay ay
Perdí el sentimiento, baby,
Ya no siento tu calor.

La soledad me está matando,
Y no se cuando volverás de nuevo a mi,
Te necesito tanto tanto,
Quiero vivir toda mi vida junto a ti.

(参)英訳-Farewell Kiss (Beso De Adios)






12月19日 享年89歳(急性心不全)




12月18日 享年69歳(前立腺癌)





12月17日 享年67歳(脳内出血)




12月16日 享年75歳(甲状腺亢進症・肺炎)




12月15日 享年39歳(化膿性腹膜炎)





12月14日 68歳(肝硬変)








12月13日 享年54歳(咽頭癌)







12月13日 享年89歳(老衰)







12月11日 享年78歳





Set Fire to the Rain



12月10日 享年69歳(膵臓癌)






12月9日 享年58歳(食道癌・肺炎)





12月8日 享年52歳(解離性大動脈瘤破裂)





12月7日 享年55歳(結腸癌)




12月6日 享年76歳(急性心筋梗塞)


Rolling in the Deep

Wake Me Up

There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
[Clean version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare
[Explicit version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare
See how I leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do

There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch
And it's bringing me out the dark

The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it, to the beat
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)

Baby, I have no story to be told
But I've heard one on you
And I'm gonna make your head burn
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Make a home down there
As mine sure won't be shared

(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
The scars of your love remind me of us
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it, to the beat
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
But you played it, with a beating

Throw your soul through every open door (woah)
Count your blessings to find what you look for (woah)
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (woah)
You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow (woah)
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
We could have had it all
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
It all, it all, it all
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)

We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it to the beat
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)

We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)

But you played it
You played it
You played it
You played it to the beat.

(参)和訳 Roliing in the Deep



12月5日 享年68歳(肺炎)





12月4日 享年33歳(気管支喘息)




Hey Hello - Adele

Wake Me Up

Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you
It's so typical of me to talk about myself I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened

It's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time

So hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

(Highs highs highs highs
Lows lows lows lows)

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

(参)和訳 "Hello"




12月2日 享年73歳(喉頭癌)





12月1日 享年72歳
